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April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

Oral cancer is currently the 13th most common type of cancer in Canada. According to the Canadian Cancer Statistics approximately 3 people will die every day from oral cancer in Canada. This includes cancers involving the mouth, lips, tongue and throat. Smoking, alcohol consumption, sun exposure to the lips and HPV are all known risk factors for oral cancer, most of which are easily preventable. Early detection and modifying our lifestyle choices is key in minimizing our risk in developing oral cancer.

Here is a list of a few ways you can greatly reduce your risk in developing oral cancer:

  1. Have regular dental hygiene appointments. Many people are unaware oral cancer screenings are part of every dental hygiene appointment at Greystone dental, which is why it is so important to schedule cleanings regularly.
  2. Don’t forget that sun protective ChapStick when outside, and try to avoid unprotected exposure to the sun as much as possible
  3. Avoid tobacco products and limit alcohol consumption
  4. Eat a well-balanced diet
  5. Limit the number of sexual partners to reduce the risk of contracting HPV infection

Another extremely important component to oral cancer awareness is learning what to look for and performing regular self-examinations of your lips, tongue, gums and teeth at home. Here are some of the most common signs and symptoms you should be on the look out for:

  1. Thickening of tissue in the mouth, face or neck
  2. Red or white patches in the mouth
  3. Wart-like masses or lumps inside the mouth
  4. Sores in the mouth that are having a hard time healing and bleed easily
  5. Numbness in the mouth or face
  6. Hoarse throat that lasts an extended period of time
  7. Persistent pain when speaking, chewing, moving your jaw or tongue
  8. Pain or difficulty swallowing

If you ever have any concerns about your oral health, please do not hesitate to book a dental hygiene appointment or examination with Dr. Hildebrand and Dr. Reavie. And remember to perform regular self-examinations at home!

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