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Digital Dentistry – Same Day Crowns with our CEREC Primescan Technology!

Out with the old and in with the new! Rather than using the old method of clay-like material to make impressions of your teeth, Greystone dental is equipped with a CEREC Primescan. This technology allows for a powerful wand-like device to capture more than 50,000 images of your mouth per second! These images are then quickly stitched together and complied into a 3D image of your teeth, jaw, gums and mouth. A high-definition screen displays the scan results in real-time, which allows for a quick and immediate assessment of your oral cavity.

So what does this technology mean for you?

The CEREC Primescan expediates the process in creating high resolution 3D models to assess your oral health and creates the very best crowns, removable protheses, restorations and 3D prints in real time.  Therefore, here at Greystone dental we can quickly image your mouth without waiting for dental impressions to set, allowing for SAME DAY treatments! Ultimately this greatly reduces the time spent in the dental chair and can allow for immediate results and a quick assessment of your overall oral health and same day treatment plans on an individual basis in a timely manner.

Interested in learning more and seeing this extremely versatile machine in action? Head to our Instagram page.

Affordable & Accessible Dental Care for You & Your Family

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  • #102 – 8980 Mary Street
  • Chilliwack, BC V2P4J3

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9:00 AM 5:00 PM
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9:00 AM 5:00 PM
8:00 AM 1:00 PM

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