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Five Common Dental Myths

There are so many myths out there when it comes to your oral health, and it is often hard to figure out what is fact from fiction. Here are five very common myths related to your dental care:

  1. The harder you brush, the cleaner your teeth. Aggressive brushing with an abrasive tooth brush can actually damage the protective layer of enamel on your teeth. In addition, it can also damage your gums causing them to bleed and, in some cases, cause significant recession. Not to mention, aggressive brushing can lead to sensitivity of your teeth and gums as well. Our recommendation is to use a softer bristle toothbrush and make sure not to apply too much pressure!
  2. Chewing gum or using mouthwash is just as good as brushing your teeth. There will never be another alternative to brushing your teeth! It is extremely important not to skip your twice daily brushing and even more important not to substitute brushing with chewing gum or mouthwash. Mouthwash is a great addition to your oral health routine, but it must be used in combination with brushing or flossing! Sugar-free gum is another great way to keep your breath fresh and it also helps stimulate saliva production to help wash away harmful acids and bacteria, but again it is no substitute for brushing. Our recommendation is to continue with your twice daily brushing, and use mouthwash or chew gum in between if you need something to freshen your breath!
  3. You don’t need to floss your teeth regularly. Flossing is an integral part to your oral health routine! A toothbrush can only reach so many areas in your mouth, and without flossing you will miss cleaning approximately 1/3 of each tooth. Within 24-36 hours bacteria in those missed areas on your teeth will turn into tartar, and eventually develop into tooth decay and cavities if left untreated. Therefore, we recommend flossing on a daily basis as a preventative measure!
  4. You can only get cavities from eating candy and sugary drinks. When we think of cavities, we often correlate them to eating too much candy, chocolate or sugary sodas and juices. However, these are not the only culprits when it comes to developing tooth decay and cavities. The real culprit are actually carbohydrates! Carbohydrate-rich foods including bread, pasta, crackers, chips, fruit, etc. all contain sugars that can also cause cavities. So, make sure to read your food labels and pay close attention to not only the sugar content but also the carbohydrates! They all become sugar in the end, which means the potential for tooth decay and cavities. And if you do indulge in some sweet treats or salty savory snacks, make sure to brush your teeth at least twice daily.
  5. You only need a dental check-up if you have a problem. Regular dental check-ups and hygiene appointments are very important as they are designed to screen for any potential problems and address them early. The ultimate goal is to prevent any oral pain and discomfort from occurring in the first place, which can only be done if we see you on a regular basis! Our recommendation, is to book regular dental check-ups and hygiene appointments at least every 6 months, or sooner if you notice anything of concern in regards to your oral health.

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