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Five Steps to Good Oral Health!

  1. See Your Dentist Regularly
    • Your oral health is an integral component to your overall health and well-being, which is why it is so important to schedule regular dental exams and professional cleanings. Depending on your individual medical history and overall oral health status Dr. Hildebrand and Dr. Reavie may recommend regular check-ups and dental cleanings every 3, 6 or 9 months.
  1. Keep Your Mouth Clean
    • Prevention and regular maintenance are key! No one wants to experience the pain of a tooth ache and so the easiest way to try and avoid this is to develop a consistent oral hygiene routine. Dr. Hildebrand and Dr. Reavie recommend at least twice daily brushing with a fluoride-based toothpaste, along with daily flossing. Flossing is easily forgotten when it comes to our daily oral health routines; however, it is an extremely important in preventing tartar build-up, reducing bad breath and preventing gum disease. Mouthwash can also be included in your oral health routine. Remember Brush, Brush, Floss!
  2. Check Your Mouth Regularly
    • It is very important to be an advocate for your own oral health and get familiar with your own oral hygiene at home. Gum disease (periodontal disease) is one of the most common causes of tooth loss and so recognizing the signs early is vital for quick intervention. The signs of gum disease include: red, shiny, sore or puffy gums, bleeding when you’re brushing or flossing and bad breath. In addition to gum disease, it is also important to look for signs of oral cancer including: bleeding or open sores that do not heal, white or red patches, numbness or tingling, small lumps and thickening on the bottom or sides of your tongue, floor and roof of the mouth or cheeks. If you have any concerns, please make an appointment with Dr. Hildebrand or Dr. Reavie promptly.
  3. Maintaining a Healthy, Balanced Diet
    • Eating a well-balanced diet is one of the best ways to help maintain and build strong teeth and healthy gums. Our first recommendation is to limit foods and beverages containing high amounts of sugar, sodium, carbohydrates or saturated fats. We all know it is impossible to completely eliminate these components from our diet, so moderation is key along with regular twice daily brushing and flossing. Our second recommendation, is to make water your drink of choice in substitution to carbonated and sugary drinks. Finally, try and munch on mouth healthy snacks like cheeses, nuts, vegetables and non-acidic fruits, rather than highly processed sugar-filled foods.
  4. Limit Alcohol, Avoid Smoking, Smokeless Tobacco and Vaping
    • Tobacco still remains the leading cause of preventable death and disease in Canada. When it comes to tobacco products, usually the first side effect that comes to mind is in relation to your lungs, but tobacco is also extremely detrimental on your oral health. Smoking tobacco and smokeless tobacco products such as chewing tobacco can result in severe damage to your teeth and gum tissue. In addition, tobacco products can also increase the accumulation of tartar (calculus) and plaque, cause bad breath, stain your teeth, cause recession of your gum tissue leading to tooth loss, slow recovery times from any dental work and greatly increases the risk of developing cancers of the mouth, throat and other parts of the body!

For more information on how you can improve and maintain your oral health. Further information can be found on the Canadian Dental Association Website.

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