
Dental Emergencies
in Chilliwack

Caring for Your Family When You Need It

We know accidents or emergencies happen with little to no warning. Our team cares about the health and longevity of your smile and is here to help during a dental emergency. 

If you or someone you know is experiencing a dental emergency, please contact us right away.

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Common Dental Emergencies

Taking action when it comes to dental emergencies can protect the future of your teeth and overall oral health. Early intervention allows your dentist to perform the treatment needed to keep your smile at its best. 

Possible dental emergencies include:

  • Toothache—a toothache can range from mild to severe and can require dental treatment
  • Chipped or broken tooth—your dentist can help repair damage or in some cases perform a root canal to remove debris
  • Knocked-out tooth—if you act quickly, your dentist may be able to put your tooth back in
  • Something stuck between teeth—try flossing gently between your teeth and if that doesn’t work, visit your dentist
  • Cracked or lost filling—a damaged or lost filling can increase the risk of bacteria or food particles getting in the empty space and causing decay

Visit Us for Your Dental Needs

Please contact us immediately if a dental emergency arises. Our friendly and knowledgeable team will calmly walk you through the necessary steps to ensure you receive the proper care.

Let us be your destination for your family’s dental needs.

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Affordable & Accessible Dental Care for You & Your Family

Come Visit Us!

Stop by our office and call or email to book your appointment. Our friendly staff are looking forward to welcoming you to our office!

Our Address

  • #102 – 8980 Mary Street
  • Chilliwack, BC V2P4J3

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

9:00 AM 5:00 PM
9:00 AM 5:00 PM
9:00 AM 5:00 PM
9:00 AM 5:00 PM
8:00 AM 1:00 PM

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