
Dr. Brooke Reavie
in Chilliwack

Dr. Brooke Reavie is Dr. Hildebrand’s associate dentist at Greystone Dental. She was born and raised in Chilliwack and completed her undergraduate degree at the University of the Fraser Valley before moving to London, Ontario, to attend dental school at Western University. Upon graduating, she moved back home with her husband, who is a lawyer here in Chilliwack, and her 2 tuxedo cats (Roo and Lenny).

During her spare time, she loves spending time outdoors hiking in the summer and skiing in the winter, or on rainy days, she loves hanging out with her 2 kitties.

Another fun fact about Dr. Reavie? She is Dr. Hildebrand’s daughter!

Affordable & Accessible Dental Care for You & Your Family

Come Visit Us!

Stop by our office and call or email to book your appointment. We’re located in Suite 102 in the Greystone Centre on Mary St. You can find our dental clinic less than a block south of the Chilliwack General Hospital, and half a block north of Saint Mary’s ChurchOur friendly staff are looking forward to welcoming you to our dental office!

Our Address

  • #102 – 8980 Mary Street
  • Chilliwack, BC V2P4J3

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

9:00 AM 5:00 PM
9:00 AM 5:00 PM
9:00 AM 5:00 PM
9:00 AM 5:00 PM
8:00 AM 1:00 PM

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