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Tooth Sensitivity

Have you ever taken a sip from a warm or cold drink and instantly cringed from your teeth being extremely sensitive and painful? You are not alone!

Tooth sensitivity is an extremely common occurrence when the protective layer of your teeth called the enamel is worn down. Once the enamel of your teeth is worn down, the sensitive inner layer of your teeth called dentin is exposed. The dentin has tiny tubules that then connect to your tooth’s nerve centre, which triggers that painful zing you might feel when eating or drinking something hot, cold or acidic. Exposure to hot, cold and acidic foods and drinks is one of the most common triggers for sensitivity, but it is not the only culprit!

Some people also experience tooth sensitivity as a result of: using a hard toothbrush and brushing aggressively, tooth decay, broken teeth, gum recession, grinding and clenching your teeth at night and also after a dental treatment, but this type of sensitivity should only be temporary.  Once your teeth start to become sensitive to one or more of these factors, it can be difficult to relieve that sensitivity and associated pain, which means prevention is key!

Some of the best ways to prevent or minimize sensitivity include: brushing your teeth with a soft bristle toothbrush and flossing twice daily, use a desensitizing toothpaste, avoid highly acidic food and drinks, avoid tobacco products and wear a mouthguard at night to reduce clenching and grinding.

It you are experiencing tooth sensitivity it is always very important to bring that up with your dentist, especially if you have already tried a desensitizing toothpaste, the pain and sensitivity is lasting longer and becoming increasingly painful or if the gums around your teeth appear to be changing color or are increasingly sensitive themselves when you are brushing and flossing. Please do not hesitate to call and book an appointment with Dr. Hildebrand and Dr. Reavie to discuss any tooth sensitivity you may be experiencing as they will be happy to help get your smile back on track!

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