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What Is The Canadian Dental Care Plan?

Model teeth sit on a counter next to a dental instrument and stacks of coins with a notebook and calculator in the background.

Unsurprisingly, many people avoid the dentist because they fear the cost. Dental insurance plans and coverage can ease this anxiety, especially since many dentists are committed to providing flexible payment options to fit your budget and make your dental care affordable. But what about if you don’t have a dental plan?

In Canada, the Canadian Dental Care Plan is a government initiative offering financial support for families without dental insurance who have an adjusted net income of $90,000 annually. This plan provides financial assistance to eligible individuals and families to maintain good oral health without the burden of high costs. 

As of fall 2024, the plan is only available for those under 18, over 65, and with disabilities. The CDCP will roll out to all remaining eligible Canadian citizens and residents in 2025.

Canadian Dental Care Plan: The Basics

The Canadian Dental Care Plan (CDCP) is an initiative designed to make dental care more accessible and affordable for residents nationwide. Introduced in 2022, it aims to help the alarming number of Canadians who forgo dental treatments due to high costs. By providing comprehensive coverage for a wide range of dental services, this plan aims to improve oral health nationwide.

The primary goal of the CDCP is to ensure that every Canadian has access to necessary dental treatments without financial strain. Whether dealing with a simple cavity or more complex procedures, the CDCP supports your oral health needs. 

Who Qualifies for Canada’s New Dental Plan?

CDCP specifically targets low-to-middle-income families to provide financial relief to those most in need. To meet eligibility requirements, that means you must:

  • Have an adjusted family net income of less than $90,000
  • Have filed your tax return for the previous year
  • Be a Canadian resident for tax purposes
  • Not have access to dental insurance

Additionally, special provisions will be in place for marginalized communities, including Indigenous populations. These groups often face unique challenges in accessing dental care, so the plan aims to bridge these gaps by offering targeted support.

However, currently, the plan is only available for those under 18, over 65, and with disabilities.

What Services Are Covered?

The CDCP offers coverage for a wide range of oral health services when these services are recommended by an oral healthcare provider, including:

  • Diagnostic and Preventative Services. This includes regular dental check-ups, cleanings, and fluoride treatments. The plan aims to catch potential issues early by emphasizing preventive measures, reducing the need for more invasive and costly treatments later on.
  • Basic Services. This includes restorative services for treating cavities and broken teeth, endodontic services that treat decayed, infected, or broken teeth, and periodontal services for the areas around the teeth (including gums and bone).
  • Major Services. The plan covers major restorative services such as crowns, bridges, and dentures for those requiring more intensive care.
  • Anesthesia or Sedation Services. Mild to deep sedation is available to help control pain during another service, though anything more than minimal sedation requires preauthorization.
A dentist utilizes a tablet to show a young patient the problem area of their mouth that needs restorative work

Orthodontic treatments, particularly for children and teenagers, are another critical coverage component. However, they won’t be added to the CDCP until 2025, and will involve strict criteria for application. This includes braces and other corrective devices that contribute to long-term oral health and proper tooth alignment.

Some of these services and treatments will require advance approval from CDCP to be covered.

How Much Of These Services Are Covered?

The CDCP can cover 100% of eligible oral health care service costs (at the CDCP-dictated fee rate) for families making less than $70,000 annual net income. For those families between $70k and $90k, copayments of 40% to 60% of the CDCP-established fees are available.

However, the amount that the CDCP considers to be an appropriate treatment fee sometimes differs from what providers charge. Because of this discrepancy, you may need to pay additional expenses out of pocket, so it’s recommended that you always ask your dentist about any costs that the plan won’t cover. 

When Can You Start Using This Coverage?

The CDCP has been slowly rolling out in phases among seniors, children, and Canadians with disabilities to provide immediate relief to those in urgent need of dental care. Starting in 2025, all remaining eligible Canadian residents can apply.

How to Apply

  • Step 1: Check Your Eligibility. Ensure you meet all four eligibility requirements needed to qualify for the plan.
  • Step 2: Gather Required Documentation. Prepare the necessary documentation to support your application, including your Social Insurance Number (SIN), home and mailing address list for dental coverage through government social programs (if applicable), and Notice of Assessment for last year’s tax return.
  • Step 3: Complete the Application Form. Access the application form through the official Canadian Dental Care Plan website or local government offices. Fill out the form accurately, provide all required information, and attach the necessary documentation.
  • Step 4: Submit Your Application. Submit your completed application form and supporting documents through the designated channels. 
  • Step 5: Await Confirmation. Once your application is submitted, it will be reviewed by the relevant authorities. You will receive confirmation of your coverage status and any additional instructions or information regarding activating your benefits. Be sure to check your email or postal mail for updates.

Upon receiving confirmation of your coverage, you can start utilizing the CDCP’s benefits. Schedule appointments with your preferred dental care providers and inform them of your coverage status. 

Take Advantage of Your Coverage

The Canadian Dental Care Plan is a significant step towards improving the oral health of residents across the country. By providing accessible and affordable dental care, the plan ensures that every Canadian can maintain a healthy smile without financial burden.

At Greystone Dental, we’re excited to support the Canadian Dental Care Plan, so that whether you need routine check-ups, fillings, or more extensive dental work, we can help you receive the quality care you deserve. Contact us today to schedule your first appointment!

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